Compact design for real time in situ atmospheric trace gas detection based on mirage effect spectroscopy, B. Zimering and A.C. Boccara, Rev. Sci. Inst, 67 (5) 1996

We present a compact and rugged setup for real time in situ trace gas detection based on photothermal deflection spectroscopy. The use of high quality Ge windows permits a true parallel geometry, resulting in a design resistant to ambient air motion while preserving the advantages of the technique such as good sensitivity, local probing and open air measurement c apability. Detection of ethylene (C2H4) within an enclosed sample cell has been performed in an N2 atmosphere, and we estimate the practical noise limited detection minimum to be 250 ppt, an order of magnitude improvement from a previous setup. We have measured absorption spectra of open laboratory air and real time ethylene exhaust from polymer and biological samples to investigate industrial, agricultural, and environmental applications. (uncover reference)
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