Benny Davidovitch (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

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24 juin 2011 11:00 » 12:00 — Bureau d’Etudes

Ultrathin sheets and capillary forces : manipulating wrinkles, folds, crumples and multiscale patterns

Crumpled papers, wrinkled skins, and buckled plant leaves are few examples of the rich variety of patterns exhibited by elastic sheets under quite featureless constraints. The interest in manipulating ultrathin sheets by capillary forces is twofold. Firstly, capillary forces are a natural tool to exert highly symmetric tensile as well as normal forces on very thin sheets. Secondly, the singular behavior of sheets as their thickness becomes exceedingly small may generate a new playground for capillary effects. In this talk I will describe few experiments in which capillary forces are used to probe the basic instabilities of stressed sheets, and few lessons drawn from the observations.

Séminaires du laboratoire de Physique et mécanique des milieux hétérogènes : consulter le programme

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